Parents Students


Faculty Leader: Kate Barrett

We currently offer French to our students in Key Stage 3. They enjoy two 65 minute lessons per week.

We believe that constantly revisiting vocabulary and studying the same topics in more depth each year ensures students are always practising the same grammar structures and vocabulary over time. This leads to a higher level of retention of vocabulary over all of the topics. As such, we reward our students through our own Language Legends incentive, where students can earn praise points and badges to show their achievements.

Trips are organised for students to visit France at different times of the year, which provide students with an invaluable life experience, as well as some fantastic personal memories.

Year 7 & 8

Over the course of years 7 & 8 students learn the foundations of all the topics they will need to start their GCSE course in year 9. They cover family, holidays, school, work and the environment.

Year 9

In year 9 students work through every topic as above at GCSE foundation level. This sets them in excellent standing for starting the higher level GCSE course in year 10.

Languages at Key Stage 4

Key Stage 4 is a higher level two-year course which provides our students with a variety of opportunities to develop their listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation skills over three 65 minute lessons per week.

We follow the Edexcel scheme of learning, which is assessed by examinations in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Each of the papers are weighted at 25% towards the overall final grade.

Languages continue to be a popular subject, facilitating students to make exciting choices for their future lives.

During years 10 & 11 students have chosen to continue French at a higher level, having already covered much of the grammar and vocabulary throughout Key Stage 3. They continue to improve by studying higher level grammatical structures and more complex vocabulary over the same five topic areas. This ensures they have everything they need to achieve the highest grades possible at GCSE.

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